Students will have an opportunity to practice and gain confidence in their use of English in the company of native speakers who are a mix of actors, other performers and qualified teachers, in a fun and friendly setting.
We believe that the best way to learn a language is always the practical route, which is why our camps use a 'total immersion' technique. In solving practical communication problems the attendees aren't only gaining confidence to try using English, but are also learning the language in a way that gives them the best chance of retaining it in the future. We mix the use of our specially designed and themed Summer Fun! workbooks in the classroom with games and theatre activities to make sure we offer something engaging and entertaining for every learning style.
The students will be encouraged and helped to keep speaking and listening to English during meal times, breaks, sports activities and group song and dance sessions - perfect opportunities to pick up and practice relevant new bits of language in short, low pressure interactions with clear contexts that help us all to bridge the communication gap. And finally, over the course of the week, we will help them to write and practice a show which they will perform in front of an invited audience of family and friends at the end of the week, in which they can show off their new found vocabulary and confidence in English - and perhaps even teach something to their parents!
From the very first moments, a Summer Fun! week is filled with music, movement, acting, lively conversation and above all... Fun!
"It's a way to make our children into citizens of the planet in a way that's fun but delivered with passion"
Parent - Gambellara
9,00: Opening assembly and warm-up
9,15: Lessons in class with Global's exciting and specially-themed work books
10,30: Break: The students are entertained with games and activities
11,00: Back to class: Language games and fun language activities
12,15: Lunch (packed or in the canteen)
13,15: Rest and Relaxation: a chance to cool off with some arts and crafts
13,45: Rehearsals for the final show
15,00: Break: supervised with more fun and games
15,30: Events for the whole camp together - usually sport, with some special occasions thrown in: perhaps a talent show, fashion parade or the highlight of the week - water games!
16,20: Final assembly
16,30: See you tomorrow!
The final show can be organised either for Friday evening or Saturday morning, to suit the hosts.
"It all went so smoothly! In their groups they worked calmly, but the creativity, energy and involvement were always there."
Erica Gaiardoni – Teacher & Coordinator, Monteforte

Everyone likes to feel that they're growing up, and we recognise that middle school students can sometimes prefer to follow a slightly different curriculum to their younger brothers and sisters. So in camps with a large middle school group we offer the eldest group the chance to follow our film study course instead of the main theme. Learn about genre and film set terminology, write reviews of classic films and finally use our equipment to create one of your own!
Ask us for more details about adding Lights Camera Action! to your camp.
Cosa studieremo?

Virtual Classroom
"Thanks to this full immersion expereince the students learnt in a week what they would have done in a year!"
Simone Lazzara - Councillor,
Municipality of Cefalù
Every week at camp has a theme: favourites from the past have included Around The World, Monster Mayhem,The Greatest Showman and Treasure Island.
Every student will receive a workbook full of relevant activities to complete both in class and at home. These are prepared specially for each camp and come for every school year from I Elementary to III Middle.

The perfect finish to the week. Every class performs a short piece on the theme of the camp, connected by songs, dance and all kinds of special acts. Friends and family are all welcome to come and applaud the hard work that the students have put in writing scripts, learning lines and polishing their performances!
Whether we are in a gymnasium, an assembly hall or a nearby theatre, we always fill it with music and laughter. And why not let us help you throw a celebration party afterwards?
The Big Show
“The film camp experiment was extremely fruitful and the students really enjoyed themselves. Besides, they appreciated the fact that it was a dedicated programme, different from the Scuola Primaria’s. It should be repeated in the future!”
- Coordinatiors of the San Bonifacio camp

Sport and Games
The standout memories of our week together are made in the afternoons, when we organise big events. Every camp is a little different, but popular highlights in the past have been sports tournaments, fashion and talent shows and treasure hunts.
On Thursday wherever possible we like to cool off by organising one of our legendary water days, which live long in the memory, from the first drop to the final epic water battle.
Full Immersion Summer Camps in English
Summer Fun!
Summer Fun!

Global English Theatre Summer Fun 2019

English Summer Fun 2018 Cefalu - Language School in Sicily - Solemar Academy

Summer Fun! 2018

English Summer Camp 2017 - CEFALU'
Every Student Receives:
- 40 Hours of a full immersion English and theatre experience with experienced, native English speaking professionals
- Teaching in an average class size of 15, all of a similar age
- A Summer Fun! workbook, prepared by qualified native speakers, specific to their school year on the theme of the camp
- Colourful stickers to reward great work
- New for 2019! A Summer Fun! T-Shirt for every student
- An invitation to bring as many friends and family as they would like to see the final show
- A certificate of completion of the camp presented after the show
- A small farewell gift to remember us by
Every Camp Receives:
- New for 2019! Publicity designs to help you recruit students to the camp
- One professional, experienced, native English speaking and CRB-checked tutor per class of approximately 15 students
- One or two extra tutors (Camp Leaders), depending on the size of the camp, to help oversee the smooth running of the camp
- An colourful set of good quality sports equipment to be used at the camp, and for the school to keep and use in future if they would like
- Printed and electronic copies of all the work books used at the camp on request, which may be used by your school or institution or coordinator in the future
- New for 2019! A certificate commemorating the week to display at the venue
- New for 2019! A comprehensive pack for coordinators, explaining everything that needs to be done to ensure a great camp, with advice from people who have done this job many times before
- Access to direct support throughout the whole process by phone or email from Global and from experienced coordinators
- Summer Fun! t-shirts for coordinators and volunteer helpers
- New for 2019! Discounts on our interactive Global English Theatre touring shows and workshops for the following school year
- A colourful, all-weather banner to display throughout the camp to tell the community about the event you have organised
- A place in the Global family forever!
"Understanding English goes so far beyond what you study at school. Such a shame this only lasts a week!"
- Parent, Gambellara