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March 20 2019


There will be even more Summer Fun! in Veneto this year! Global has been associated with the region since our inception, and has made many good friends there... this June we are very excited to make some more in Montebello Vicentino (VI)!


Thanks to the collaboration of Erica Gonzati and Francesca Mangione of ASD Montebello Hockey and Skating, Global English Theatre will organize a Summer Fun! camp at the Montebello Institute from 10 to 15 June. The first week of summer vacation will be really full of fun!


Entries are already open through this site. Simply click on the 'Register' link in the menu above and choose 'Montebello'. You can complete everything in just a few minutes! Don't wait, registrations are only open until April 14th.


For information on the camp, send an e-mail to or contact Erica or Francesca at the Hockey Association.



See you soon, Montebello!

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(+39) 391 742 2889
Global English Theatre Ltd. is a limited company in England & Wales. Company No. 09805440
Global English Theatre Associazione è un'associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro. C.F. & P.Iva 06982520485

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