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to choose to collaborate with Global

  • We are very hands-on and provide a uniquely personal service. Our directors visit every camp regularly and work as tutors and leaders at some every year - It's not just a business run from an office for us.

  • All of our teaching materials and scripts are written by native speakers.

  • We work hard to keep our prices fair and accessible. We are confident that we offer the best prices of any company working nationally throughout Italy. Furthermore there are very generous discounts on offer to larger families and our hosts, and we are prepared to provide scholarships to a number of students in specific financial hardship in every camp.


  • We guarantee to pay a fair wage to our tutors and never ask them to cover their own travel to or from Italy. This means we can recruit the highest possible quality of staff and every year over 50% have returned to work with us again – meaning you get happy, motivated and experienced tutors in your camp.

  • We want to become a part of your community. We are well known in the towns we have worked, and our tutors have often returned as teachers, private tutors and in many cases personal friends of their host families and our coordinators.

  • You can contact us easily and we will reply quickly. You don't have to go through any switchboards and we are available 24/7.


"Beautiful! Fun, involving, useful...  in a couple of words, a project we need to repeat!"

Parent, Minerbe

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(+39) 391 742 2889
Global English Theatre Ltd. is a limited company in England & Wales. Company No. 09805440
Global English Theatre Associazione è un'associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro. C.F. & P.Iva 06982520485

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© Global English Theatre 2022

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